Wednesday, September 30, 2015

No One Chooses To Have Nothing

This is obscene. Everyday I see people posting things about how we can't afford to raise wages, or give handouts to hungry children, or have single payer healthcare. They throw around words like "Socialist" as if somehow that makes me dumb or small. Yet, everyday these same people watch television shows and read magazines that show elaborate photo ops of just how well those at the top are living. I don't care who they think is lazy. Where is our humanity when so many believe that it's okay for one tiny group to have yachts, jets, summer, fall, and winter homes while simultaneously believing that millions upon millions of people are simply choosing to have nothing? No one chooses to have nothing. I understand that life isn't fair and there is no possible way we will ever share everything equally. No one is asking for that. We are simply suggesting that maybe we could address the basic needs of the masses before making it possible for the elite to have a yacht. Every yacht and private jet around this Earth is an insult to each and every human being who is fighting tooth and nail to survive. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Don't Underestimate Millennial Voters This Presidential Election

I saw this post a couple of days ago. A lot of the commenters, fellow Bernie supporters, were rude and dismissive of this girl's statement. While I can see how some generations may be offended by some of the word choices, that's just an issue of generation gap. This is simply how young adults talk to each other. It doesn't offend us at all. I completely agree with her statement. The world we inherited when we reach adulthood was not the world we had been told about. Many of us work multiple jobs, have no health insurance, live in shitty apartments, drive shitty cars that break down constantly, we never see our families, we NEVER go on vacations, we shop at Plato's Closet, our phones get shut off periodically, and we never have enough even for the things we need. The struggle we face is new and unique to our generation. We know that the struggle has been continuing and you all had your own unique and similar struggles. We thank you for every protest held to fight those battles. However, do not undermine what is happening now by saying things like ,"Whatever, I've been fighting for your rights since before you were born." While we appreciate that, maybe a better approach would be to not take it personally (unless you are specifically one of the "adults" saying that youth only like Bernie because it's the hipster thing to do, then, yes, take it personally). Instead, maybe try, "We acknowledge the very real struggle that the young adults in America are facing. We acknowledge that we have not seen this range of income inequality in our lifetime. We acknowledge you are adults and your passion is real and we stand with you." Or something nice like that. 
Let's not fight each other. We're in this together.