Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bernie Fans: How To Use Twitter (for dummies)

Create an account. You can usually just create an account using your Facebook.
If you create your account using FB it is easier to find people you know.
Otherwise, you have to search for people which is harder on Twitter because most people use handles rather than their actual names.
Once you are on Twitter it is incredibly easy to find Bernie!
Just type @berniesanders in the searchbar.
There is also a Bernie page for every state and many subdivisions therein.
Just type Bernie in the search bar and you will find hundred of people to follow.

Using Twitter:
Hashtags – Hashtags are used as search terms. If you include a hashtag in your tweet it makes it visible to anyone using that hashtag.  You may also search hashtags to find like minded people.
Bernie hashtags : #Bernie2016 and #feelthebern are the most widely used. It is best that you use at least one of these EVERY time you mention Bernie. That is how they track how well he’s doing.
There’s also #SummerofSanders #RunBernieRun #BerniePics #Women4Bernie
Other liberal hashtags - #wethepeople #uniteblue #fightfor15 #equality4all #p2 #voteblue2016 #notreadyforhillary #nomorebushes
You can use existing hashtags or make up your own. Using existing hashtags makes your tweets more visible to the public.
You can say anything you choose but you may only type so many characters. If you choose to include a link of any kind the length of the link will not affect how many characters you can use.
If you search #feelthebern the list will have every tweet ever using that tag. At the top of the screen you will see 2 options – Top Tweets or Live. Top tweets are the highest performing overall and live is sorted by how recent it was tweeted. I recommend using both and alternating.
Once you have the found the content you can start sharing. Click the square under the post to RETWEET.  There are 2 options to retweeting – retweet or quote.
Retweet means you are simply recirculating the tweet without adding anything. You can retweet as much as you want. It isn’t like FB. On FB once you share something it becomes your post. On Twitter once you RT it is still not your content. It still appears under their name, therefore you may RT as much as you want without worrying that you are spamming the public.
Quote tweet means you are now taking that tweet and making it yours. You may add a comment and it will now appear under your name.
Instead of “friending” people like on FB, you “Follow” people on Twitter. This means that once you follow someone you will now see their posts in your home feed. Just because you follow someone doesn’t mean they will follow you. The more tweeting and retweeting you do the more followers you get, plain and simple. Again, it’s not Facebook. You don’t have to be polite. Go nuts on Twitter. Post as much as you want. Post anything you want. People love it.
Let me know if you have more questions!
And follow me on Twitter @lollipopcrumbs

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