Thursday, May 28, 2015

Vote for Bernie Sanders in 2016!

For the past couple of years I have been following Bernie Sanders closely and hoping against hope that he would run for president (I've also been very impressed with Elizabeth Warren, but that's for another day). My dream has officially come true as Bernie as officially entered the running! I could not be happier and you should be over the moon with me! Bernie Sanders is one of the last remaining politicians who isn't swayed by big business and actually cares about the people he has been elected to represent. I deeply, truly feel that Bernie Sanders absolutely will represent the people's interest.

Here's just a few reasons to vote for Bernie.

1. Our economy can no longer afford to allow these huge corporations to get away with not paying their fair share of taxes. The reason they are able to do that now is because they made deals along the way with politicians who favored monetary gifts over serving the greater good of the country they were elected to represent. Bernie has been in politics for decades and his track record of integrity speaks for itself. We need a president who will do what is right for all of us not just a few people on top. 

2. Bernie doesn't deny science. Arguing of actual science, the kind based on research and facts, is something that is quite hard to do which is why it is so baffling to see people publicly refute it. There must be a pretty large incentive waiting for the guy who is willing to go on live television and say climate change isn't really happening. Oh wait, there is. Science cannot be bought, neither can Bernie. We need to face reality and do what needs to be done to make sure our children and their children have a safe place to call home.

3. The American people need Bernie Sanders. The sheer level of struggle that is permeating the everyday lives of the 99% is no longer liveable. We want to live in the America where dreams come true.
4. Most importantly, we can't afford to wait any longer. My children deserve to go to a school that has enough funding to have a gym class. Things have to get better. He is our only hope. The other candidates will make pretty promises but they will mean nothing. I don't want pretty posters that scream for change. I WANT REAL CHANGE, NOW.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Self esteem, let's turn it around

People pleasing is a habit that is ingrained in almost all of us but we have all met someone (or many people) who simply takes it too far.
Today, I was having a conversation with a close friend of mine. Let's call him Roger. Let's pretend Roger and I were talking about lights. I passively complain about the bad lighting in my apartment. Roger immediately apologizes for not having opened the blinds. I was referring to actual electric lights inside the apartment.
Roger is a beautiful, young man. He dresses great and his hair is always perfect. He is charming and kind. All of this is great but Roger has one problem, Roger has low self esteem so he doesn't see himself the same way the world does. If you've ever known anyone like this than you probably know that there isn't a damn thing you can say to someone to make them realize this. Roger apologizes a lot, even though most of the time he didn't do anything wrong.
So I said to him, "I was referring wall lighting. Why did you defend yourself when you had not been accused of anything?' I said this with a low, calm if not inquisitive voice.
"I don't know," he says while he visibly ponders the idea, "I honestly don't know why I do that."

I can tell you why. It's very simple really. It's because he wants me to like him. He doesn't want me to find a reason to stop liking him.

Now let me tell you what he is doing wrong. A key element to self esteem is a true sense of self. A person must have beliefs (whatever they may be), a moral code, expectations, goals, etc. I know what I believe. I know, quite definitively, my definitions of right and wrong. Therefore, I do not apologize unless an apology is warranted. Having said that, let me add that not apologizing when an apology is truly warranted is not my version of the right thing to do. Another key factor to self esteem is partaking in esteemable actions, meaning doing things that make you feel proud. Being able to look yourself in the mirror and truly be able to tell yourself that you are a person of integrity is a life changing feeling, that is more rare than you might think. Self esteem allows a person to trust himself enough to decide what he does and does not apologize for.

If you seek a life of peace and happiness then I urge you take this advice. The better person you are, the better you will feel. Starting today be a person who shares. A person who shares not just items, but joy, information, advice, and most importantly time. Today, be a person who always makes the right decision. Anyone who does that leaves themselves without reason to lie. A person who does not lie is a person that other people trust. When someone trusts you, you're words have much greater impact on their lives. Help them, guide them. Never break plans again. If you say you will be somewhere, people should be able to trust that you will be there. Learn to say no. If you get invited to party and you know damn well that you are not going to go, do not say yes just so you can hang up the phone. Tell that person, "Thank you but I don't think so." Better to be honest and have a rough moment than to lie and then be the person no one can depend on. Be better, so when you are better you can teach others how to be better. Let's teach the children of the world what being an adult should look like.