Wednesday, September 30, 2015

No One Chooses To Have Nothing

This is obscene. Everyday I see people posting things about how we can't afford to raise wages, or give handouts to hungry children, or have single payer healthcare. They throw around words like "Socialist" as if somehow that makes me dumb or small. Yet, everyday these same people watch television shows and read magazines that show elaborate photo ops of just how well those at the top are living. I don't care who they think is lazy. Where is our humanity when so many believe that it's okay for one tiny group to have yachts, jets, summer, fall, and winter homes while simultaneously believing that millions upon millions of people are simply choosing to have nothing? No one chooses to have nothing. I understand that life isn't fair and there is no possible way we will ever share everything equally. No one is asking for that. We are simply suggesting that maybe we could address the basic needs of the masses before making it possible for the elite to have a yacht. Every yacht and private jet around this Earth is an insult to each and every human being who is fighting tooth and nail to survive. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Don't Underestimate Millennial Voters This Presidential Election

I saw this post a couple of days ago. A lot of the commenters, fellow Bernie supporters, were rude and dismissive of this girl's statement. While I can see how some generations may be offended by some of the word choices, that's just an issue of generation gap. This is simply how young adults talk to each other. It doesn't offend us at all. I completely agree with her statement. The world we inherited when we reach adulthood was not the world we had been told about. Many of us work multiple jobs, have no health insurance, live in shitty apartments, drive shitty cars that break down constantly, we never see our families, we NEVER go on vacations, we shop at Plato's Closet, our phones get shut off periodically, and we never have enough even for the things we need. The struggle we face is new and unique to our generation. We know that the struggle has been continuing and you all had your own unique and similar struggles. We thank you for every protest held to fight those battles. However, do not undermine what is happening now by saying things like ,"Whatever, I've been fighting for your rights since before you were born." While we appreciate that, maybe a better approach would be to not take it personally (unless you are specifically one of the "adults" saying that youth only like Bernie because it's the hipster thing to do, then, yes, take it personally). Instead, maybe try, "We acknowledge the very real struggle that the young adults in America are facing. We acknowledge that we have not seen this range of income inequality in our lifetime. We acknowledge you are adults and your passion is real and we stand with you." Or something nice like that. 
Let's not fight each other. We're in this together. 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

It's Just Rape? Who says that?

Today we talked about rape culture. Emotions ran high.

It's Just Rape? Who says that?

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Elizabeth Warren stand's with Planned Parenthood and not everyone is happy about it.

This is a conversation I had with an "interesting person" following a Google+ post of mine about Planned Parenthood. 

I am 100% pro Planned Parenthood. That does not mean I am pro abortion. No one is pro abortion. No wants to have an abortion. No one looks forward to an unplanned pregnancy because they enjoy abortions. I am pro choice. 

As a woman in America, it is hard to provide for yourself alone. It is damn near impossible to provide for another human being. It is one of the biggest decisions that many women face in their lives. I respect a woman's right to make that choice for herself. Women are capable of deciding what they feel is right. 

And who doesn't love Elizabeth Warren?

Here is the original post from August 4, 2015. 

Notice that this meme does not mention the word abortion once. I still would have posted it even if it had, but it does not
I love this quote by Elizabeth Warren for so many reasons, just like I love Elizabeth Warren for so many reasons. The first few words alone are so exciting to hear, "Let's call out the Republican,". I know I am not alone in my desire to witness the Republican Party finally being exposed for their crimes against us all. I am eternally grateful to all persons who publicly speak the truth on our behalf. Yes, OUR behalf. Elizabeth Warren, like the small handful of other honorable public icons, does not just speak for her supporters alone. She speaks for women, and all other oppressed human beings at the moment, who desperately need someone to fight for them. Even if it means sometimes she ends up fighting for the rights of an ignorant bigot who thinks that because she is a woman she should sit down and shut her mouth.

Looking at this comment now, I could have done better. Though I actually wanted to say a lot worse. I try not let any anger come across when I am debating with ignorance, but sometimes it's simply unavoidable. 

There are so many things wrong with this that is hard to know where to start.

"Irresponsible women". 

I may have been able to bite my tongue and ignore his comment, had it not been for those two words. 
Abortions are not solely occurring due to the irresponsibility of women. 
Rape. Broken condom. Old condom. Birth control failed. It DOES happen. He was going to pull out, but then he just "couldn't". No access to contraception (especially teens). Lack of sex education (teens). Simple inability to afford doctor's visit and birth control prescription to due lack of health care options and poor wages. Then, yes, there's also irresponsibility. Though, BOTH parties engaging in sexual behavior are equally responsible for ensuring safety and for facing the consequences of failing to do so. And trust me, an abortion is a consequence all on its own. 

"The man has no rights to force an abortion".

That's right, sir. He does not. I can't believe I must explain why a man cannot force a woman to have an abortion. Also, I'm not sure why a man not having the right to initiate an abortion would mean that women shouldn't be able to either? Because women shouldn't be able to make any choices without the approval of a male, who by design is clearly better at all decision making. 
Simply put, no person may force any other person to undergo any medical treatment, or any other activity involving their physical body, against his or her will.

 What about the rights of the unborn child?

Well, first of all, just because you believe that life begins at conception does mean that everyone does. Just because you believe that life begins at conception doesn't mean that you have the right to force everyone else to believe the same. 
Just like because someone doesn't believe that life begins at conception doesn't mean they can force anyone else to believe that. Nor can they, at any point, make anyone else have an abortion if it is against their beliefs. 
There it is. It's so simple. We can all believe what we believe. We can all make our own choices according to those beliefs. No one may at any point take away another individual's right to make those choices due to a conflict in beliefs. The end. 
Against abortion? That's fine. Don't get one. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bernie Fans: How To Use Twitter (for dummies)

Create an account. You can usually just create an account using your Facebook.
If you create your account using FB it is easier to find people you know.
Otherwise, you have to search for people which is harder on Twitter because most people use handles rather than their actual names.
Once you are on Twitter it is incredibly easy to find Bernie!
Just type @berniesanders in the searchbar.
There is also a Bernie page for every state and many subdivisions therein.
Just type Bernie in the search bar and you will find hundred of people to follow.

Using Twitter:
Hashtags – Hashtags are used as search terms. If you include a hashtag in your tweet it makes it visible to anyone using that hashtag.  You may also search hashtags to find like minded people.
Bernie hashtags : #Bernie2016 and #feelthebern are the most widely used. It is best that you use at least one of these EVERY time you mention Bernie. That is how they track how well he’s doing.
There’s also #SummerofSanders #RunBernieRun #BerniePics #Women4Bernie
Other liberal hashtags - #wethepeople #uniteblue #fightfor15 #equality4all #p2 #voteblue2016 #notreadyforhillary #nomorebushes
You can use existing hashtags or make up your own. Using existing hashtags makes your tweets more visible to the public.
You can say anything you choose but you may only type so many characters. If you choose to include a link of any kind the length of the link will not affect how many characters you can use.
If you search #feelthebern the list will have every tweet ever using that tag. At the top of the screen you will see 2 options – Top Tweets or Live. Top tweets are the highest performing overall and live is sorted by how recent it was tweeted. I recommend using both and alternating.
Once you have the found the content you can start sharing. Click the square under the post to RETWEET.  There are 2 options to retweeting – retweet or quote.
Retweet means you are simply recirculating the tweet without adding anything. You can retweet as much as you want. It isn’t like FB. On FB once you share something it becomes your post. On Twitter once you RT it is still not your content. It still appears under their name, therefore you may RT as much as you want without worrying that you are spamming the public.
Quote tweet means you are now taking that tweet and making it yours. You may add a comment and it will now appear under your name.
Instead of “friending” people like on FB, you “Follow” people on Twitter. This means that once you follow someone you will now see their posts in your home feed. Just because you follow someone doesn’t mean they will follow you. The more tweeting and retweeting you do the more followers you get, plain and simple. Again, it’s not Facebook. You don’t have to be polite. Go nuts on Twitter. Post as much as you want. Post anything you want. People love it.
Let me know if you have more questions!
And follow me on Twitter @lollipopcrumbs

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The American People's List of Demands

1.     We demand wage laws that protect the American workers. We demand that the following guidelines be introduced into leglislation:
  •  The Federal minimum wage must never be so low that an employee working 40 hours a week does not earn enough to meet standard costs of living for one person.
  • The Federal minimum wage must always rise in proportion to inflation.
  • The Federal minimum wage must be reevaluated annually.
  • With every 1% raise in salary for the highest paid employees there must also be a 1% increase in the wages of the lowest earning employees.
  • All fulltime employees, with at least one year tenure, must be given a minimum of five paid sick days per year.
  • All fulltime employees, with at least one year tenure, must be given a minimum of 7 paid vacation days per year.
  • All fulltime employees, with at least one year tenure, must be given a minimum of 6 weeks paid maternity/paternity leave. This benefit must be given to any legal parent upon the birth of a child or adoption of a child regardless of sex, marriage status, or sexual orientation.
  • We demand that all women be paid a wage that is equal to that of their male counterpart.

2.     Healthcare for all. We demand a single payer healthcare system in which economic status is irrelevant to level of care.

3.    The U.S. government must make the people a priority when addressing the national budget. We, the people, demand the following become top priorities:
  • Invest in education.We demand all schools have enough funding to support art programs, music programs, physical education, and extra-curricular activities, teams, and clubs each year. In addition, all high schools will have funding to support home economics, automotive or wood shop, after-school academia teams, and sports teams. These programs must be in addition to current programs and must not detract from current program funding.
  • We demand that each state offer a minimum of one tuition free college. These colleges must be in proportion to other state colleges, both in size and in funding.
  • We demand that federal student loans be interest free.
  • Invest in infrastructure.
  • We demand that stricter guidelines be put forth that will force all local and national government to annually or bi-annually conduct inspections of all roads, bridges, parks, etc.
  • We demand that each government to promptly and accurately address each and any issue that may be found during inspections.

4.    We demand immediate tax reform.
  • We demand the immediate deregulation of corporate tax breaks. 
  • We demand legislation that clearly states that the lowest paid workers must never at any point pay more taxes than those in higher brackets.
  • We demand that NFL, and all other teams and media outlets, pay taxes.

5.   We demand the immediate regulation of corporations manufacturing overseas.
  • We demand that any company selling it’s product in the United States must adhere to U.S. Federal minimum wage regardless of what country they are operating out of. Any company or corporate entity that is found operating a facility that pays workers a wage less than the current Federal minimum wage will not be permitted to sell said products in the U.S.

6.   We demand that GMO’s be banned in the United States and legislation be put into effect that will strictly regulate food labeling with the sole purpose of informing the consumer.
  • We demand the immediate end of factory farms.
  • We demand immediate legislation addressing the treatment of animals in farm settings.

7.   We demand legislation be introduced immediately and effectively banning any corporation or individual profiting off the arrest or imprisonment of any human being.
  • We demand that the War on Drugs cease immediately.
  • We demand the Federal legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational use.
  • We demand the immediate release of all persons currently incarcerated for marijuana related charges.
  • We demand that all marijuana related criminal charges be expunged from all involved persons legal records.
  • We demand the immediate reevaluation of all persons currently incarcerated due to nonviolent crimes and subsequent release of all prisoners who do not pose an actual threat to society.
  • We demand that honest and information drug education and support programs be put into place in all high school and public colleges.

8.   We demand immediate action to fight and reverse climate change.
  • We demand a new and separate board made up entirely of scientists specializing in the field. 
  • We demand that the recommendations of this board be heeded promptly and effectively. 
  • We demand an immediate reduction in the usage of plastics and other harmful materials.
  • We demand an immediate reduction of product packaging.
  • We demand an immediate shift to green energy with the ultimate goal of eradicating all power and energy sources that are harmful to the environment.

9.    We demand media fairness and accountability.
  • We demand structured sanctions and penalties for any and all media and/or public officials who deliberately attempt to provide misinformation or otherwise lie to the American people.
  • We demand broad, in depth, and equal coverage for any and all current events, regardless of party, affiliations, or lack thereof.

10.  We demand the immediate restructuring of the FDA.
  • We demand that drug research be based on need and not on profit margins.
  • We demand that the FDA ban all carcinogenic substances currently being used in the manufacturing of any and all food products, beauty products, cleaning agents, and health supplements.
  • We demand the immediate and heavy regulation of pharmaceutical corporations including but not limited to the regulation of promotional content. 

11. We demand legislation be introduced effectively banning any and all contributions, donations, or the like by corporate entities to any political campaign, individual, or organization.

12. We demand the immediate regulation of corporate lobbyists.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Why You Should Sign Senator Sanders Petition for 12 Weeks Paid Family Leave

     We were humans long before we were Americans. Sometimes it can be hard to remember that with all of the deafening media telling us this is the way things are supposed to be. Humans have evolved in countless ways and societies have shaped different groups to believe many different things during the time we have been on this lovely planet. It is high time we stop allowing ours to tell us what kind people we should be and what kind of lives we should have.
     These are our only lives, I think. When it all comes down to it there are only just  a few things that will really matter to us in the end and those things are being stolen out from under us.
     We will remember the time we spent with family. Or we will regret all the time we didn't. I was lucky as a child and I had a family member, my grandmother, Gama, who was able to stay home with me. We underestimate how valuable that can be to a child. Gama made my breakfast every morning. She packed my lunch and made sure I had everything I needed for school. She picked me up from school everyday and stayed on top of the work I was to at home. When she cooked us dinner she always let me help and eventually she taught me how to cook for myself. She taught me how to sew, braid hair, and tie my shoes, amongst many other things. I would not have had any of these things in daycare or after school program.
      Let me say before I continue, I do not think every mother should be forced to stay home to be considered a good mother.  I am a mother, but I like going to work everyday and there's nothing wrong with that. I merely think that every child should have a caretaker that is with them consistently throughout their life and is able to spend time focusing on their individual needs. This can be a mother, father, grandparent, aunt, friend, or nanny.
     Unfortunately, this is not an option for many. It wasn't that long ago in American history that a man or woman could work full time and make enough for the other parent to stay home. This wasn't just the reality of the educated or the CEO's. A man could work full time as a janitor, or a shoe salesman, or a construction worker and make enough for his wife to stay home. That is no longer reality. Nowadays, many couples are not only both working but in many cases one or both has multiple jobs just so they can continue to be broke. How are we supposed to spend time with our families if we have to work nearly every minute of our lives just stay alive? There's a word for that. It's called slavery.
     I have three children. When my youngest child, Crosby, was born I went back to work after 2 weeks. This was incredibly hard for me for multiple reasons but it was decision that I really had no choice in making.  Though I worked full time (up until the moment my water broke at my desk), many weeks even overtime, I was unable to save up enough money throughout my pregnancy to take off the 6 weeks that I was technically allowed. Not to mention, even though my husband and I both worked full time we were still so far under the poverty line that we qualified for food stamps, day care assistance, and thankfully, Medicaid. Two weeks after my beautiful son was born via c-section I cried my eyes out before suiting up and heading back to work. I will never get that time back. I will never hold his tiny brand new baby body again. I lost that time. It was taken from me. Every parent should be able to enjoy that time and more.
     There isn't an experience in the world quite like having a brand new baby. It's one of the most memorable and love filled times that many will ever experience. That is what life is all about. We were not put on this planet to work ourselves to death and miss out all the joy life has to offer. Life is a gift and we need to cherish those special moments and do everything in our power to make sure others have the ability to as well. All parents, whether it be mothers, fathers, adoptive parents, or otherwise, should be given the gift of a minimum of 12 weeks paid family leave. Click on the link below to sign if you agree.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Vote for Bernie Sanders in 2016!

For the past couple of years I have been following Bernie Sanders closely and hoping against hope that he would run for president (I've also been very impressed with Elizabeth Warren, but that's for another day). My dream has officially come true as Bernie as officially entered the running! I could not be happier and you should be over the moon with me! Bernie Sanders is one of the last remaining politicians who isn't swayed by big business and actually cares about the people he has been elected to represent. I deeply, truly feel that Bernie Sanders absolutely will represent the people's interest.

Here's just a few reasons to vote for Bernie.

1. Our economy can no longer afford to allow these huge corporations to get away with not paying their fair share of taxes. The reason they are able to do that now is because they made deals along the way with politicians who favored monetary gifts over serving the greater good of the country they were elected to represent. Bernie has been in politics for decades and his track record of integrity speaks for itself. We need a president who will do what is right for all of us not just a few people on top. 

2. Bernie doesn't deny science. Arguing of actual science, the kind based on research and facts, is something that is quite hard to do which is why it is so baffling to see people publicly refute it. There must be a pretty large incentive waiting for the guy who is willing to go on live television and say climate change isn't really happening. Oh wait, there is. Science cannot be bought, neither can Bernie. We need to face reality and do what needs to be done to make sure our children and their children have a safe place to call home.

3. The American people need Bernie Sanders. The sheer level of struggle that is permeating the everyday lives of the 99% is no longer liveable. We want to live in the America where dreams come true.
4. Most importantly, we can't afford to wait any longer. My children deserve to go to a school that has enough funding to have a gym class. Things have to get better. He is our only hope. The other candidates will make pretty promises but they will mean nothing. I don't want pretty posters that scream for change. I WANT REAL CHANGE, NOW.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Self esteem, let's turn it around

People pleasing is a habit that is ingrained in almost all of us but we have all met someone (or many people) who simply takes it too far.
Today, I was having a conversation with a close friend of mine. Let's call him Roger. Let's pretend Roger and I were talking about lights. I passively complain about the bad lighting in my apartment. Roger immediately apologizes for not having opened the blinds. I was referring to actual electric lights inside the apartment.
Roger is a beautiful, young man. He dresses great and his hair is always perfect. He is charming and kind. All of this is great but Roger has one problem, Roger has low self esteem so he doesn't see himself the same way the world does. If you've ever known anyone like this than you probably know that there isn't a damn thing you can say to someone to make them realize this. Roger apologizes a lot, even though most of the time he didn't do anything wrong.
So I said to him, "I was referring wall lighting. Why did you defend yourself when you had not been accused of anything?' I said this with a low, calm if not inquisitive voice.
"I don't know," he says while he visibly ponders the idea, "I honestly don't know why I do that."

I can tell you why. It's very simple really. It's because he wants me to like him. He doesn't want me to find a reason to stop liking him.

Now let me tell you what he is doing wrong. A key element to self esteem is a true sense of self. A person must have beliefs (whatever they may be), a moral code, expectations, goals, etc. I know what I believe. I know, quite definitively, my definitions of right and wrong. Therefore, I do not apologize unless an apology is warranted. Having said that, let me add that not apologizing when an apology is truly warranted is not my version of the right thing to do. Another key factor to self esteem is partaking in esteemable actions, meaning doing things that make you feel proud. Being able to look yourself in the mirror and truly be able to tell yourself that you are a person of integrity is a life changing feeling, that is more rare than you might think. Self esteem allows a person to trust himself enough to decide what he does and does not apologize for.

If you seek a life of peace and happiness then I urge you take this advice. The better person you are, the better you will feel. Starting today be a person who shares. A person who shares not just items, but joy, information, advice, and most importantly time. Today, be a person who always makes the right decision. Anyone who does that leaves themselves without reason to lie. A person who does not lie is a person that other people trust. When someone trusts you, you're words have much greater impact on their lives. Help them, guide them. Never break plans again. If you say you will be somewhere, people should be able to trust that you will be there. Learn to say no. If you get invited to party and you know damn well that you are not going to go, do not say yes just so you can hang up the phone. Tell that person, "Thank you but I don't think so." Better to be honest and have a rough moment than to lie and then be the person no one can depend on. Be better, so when you are better you can teach others how to be better. Let's teach the children of the world what being an adult should look like.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Raising the Minimum Wage is Good for Everyone

 Raising the minimum wage is good for the economy. I know that's not what they're reporting on CNN but it's the truth. When millionaires get more money it doesn't get spent. They are already spending as they please and any extra income is used solely to pad their savings accounts. When a person is attempting to live on a minimum wage income they are constantly having to make choices. Choices like, "Should I buy food or pay my electricity bill?". The only things they spend money on are things they absolutely need so they are not buying Playstations, or flower pots, or anything outside of food, water, and housing if they are lucky. If these people were to get a wage increase they would spend it all. It would probably take them years to catch up in buying all of the things they have lived without for so long. Suddenly they can replace their old broken cell phone and buy a car that actually has air conditioning. They can go coffee shops and eat out. Their increased income would generate income for the entire community.

All of that is really irrelevant. It's about humanity. No one should work forty hours a week and not be able to afford to live. Thirty years ago my father worked as a shoe salesman and was able to not only pay his bills but his wife was able to stay home. That no longer exists. It's nearly impossible to be able to afford for one parent to stay home. Many families can't even afford two cars. Profits have skyrocketed, as have prices, but wages have stayed the same or in some cases they have even lowered. Low wages effect everyone, not just the people who receive them. For every Walmart employee making $8.00 an hour there is a median income taxpayer funding their food stamps. Meanwhile, Walmart executives are making millions, in some cases billions. I think they could easily afford to pay their employees better instead of relying on middle america to make up the difference in tax dollars.

Class warfare is real.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

I only look like I have money. My Thrift Shopping Guide For Life.

The clothing industry is not something I am prepared to dive into this evening so I will sum it up in a nutshell.....  The majority of clothing stores sell items made of cheap materials in sweatshops for outrageous prices. Why are clothes and shoes so expensive? Profit. 
So what happens if you can't afford mall prices? You're left with Walmart. I do not shop at Walmart. I don't have three hours to describe just how intensely I loathe Walmart but I can say I have no intention of ever stepping in a Walmart again. 
I like nice things. However, I cannot afford the things I like most so I had to learn to get thrifty. I may one of the thriftiest people alive. Nearly everything I own is secondhand. The entire outfit I am wearing right now is second hand and it's gorgeous. If a stranger were to come to my home and see my family they would assume they we have money when in fact we have far less than most. This is my thrift shopping guide for life. 

1. Plato's Closet - Plato's is my favorite clothing store on the planet. They have a wide array of clothing befitting teens and young adults. They have a wide range of sizes and styles. They only accept trendy items that are still in season. All items are checked for stains and signs of wear and must appear new, sometimes one slips through the cracks but it's rare. They have shoes, accessories, purses, athletic wear, hats, and a lot more. Prices are nearly unbeatable. Shirts range from $3-10 while jeans are typically $14-20.  Nearly all of my wardrobe has been supplied by Plato's Closet and trust me I look good! Here are a few examples of amazing items I have gotten there. 
Coach Purse - $20
Nike sneakers (hot pink) - $18
Juicy Couture Blazer - $10
Gap winter coat - $25 !!!

2. Craigslist - Craigslist is a godsend for bigger items as long as you're comfortable with meeting strangers in the Publix parking lot. I found the majority of our furniture by using CL. I also sold our furniture on the site and used the money to fund new furniture. I ended up breaking even and having a greatly improved home. I have have bought household items, kids items, tvs, cell phones, antiques, vehicles, laptops, and more all on Craigslist. Instead of getting a $300 Acer laptop at Walmart I got a $1000 Dell laptop for $200. Here are a few more examples of great finds on CL. 
42" LG lcd tv - $150
Maltese puppy - $50 (these are usually upwards of a thousand dollars)
Martha Stewart sofa - $150
Amazingly beautiful handcrafted dresser - $200
6ftX6ft bounce house and pump - $75 !!!

3. Chamblain Book Mine (or your local used bookstore) - I'll never buy a book new again! Why would I ever do that when I know there is a book vault nearby that has the exact same thing for a fraction of the price? You may run a risk of them not having it but they'll have something great to tide you over while you wait. Being thrifty is all about being patient. Everything I need eventually presents itself with time. 

4. Once Upon a Child (kid's gently used items) - I will NEVER buy kid items with out checking the thrift store. They have everything; bibs, blankets, cribs, strollers, clothes, bottles, cups, silverware, nursery decor, Boppy's, shoes, hair bows, swings, bassinettes, toys, maternity wear, and probably a whole lot more. You don't tend to get the major discount you get with adult items but it's totally worth it.